GM: Mike Mitchell

Time: 2:00 p.m., Sunday afternoons
Dates: Aug 8 - Sept. 12, 2004
Place: Enigmas Game Store
10801 Spring Cypress Road Suite 6
Houston TX 77070-1722

NOTE: The store closed
a few years ago.

Interested in starting your own gang? Contact us at:

Posted: Aug. 14, 2004
Updated: Sept. 12,, 2004

CAMPAIGN NAME: “Raiders on the Outlaw Trail”

PLOT SUMMARY: You’re a member of the “The Redleg Gang,” a group of young guns aiming to make a name for themselves (and hopefully earn some hard cash) by robbing, rustling, and hustling.

CHARACTER CREATION: Players could either roll on the Random Character Table in the Gutshot Quick Load guide, or they could select a Custom 1, Custom 2, or Custom 3 Character Type. Unless the Character died (sorry, Shady Jay -- we hardly knew ye!), they would play the same character throughout the game, amassing cash and Victory Points to improve skills, abilities, and notoriety.

Games were run by Mike Mitchell (co-creator of Gutshot), and adventures included the usual Western fare: bank robberies, general mayhem… and being stalked by a one-legged deputy with a sawed-off shotgun and a nasty disposition!

Raiders on the Outlaw Trail

Chapter One: Shootout at Coyote Gulch!
Sun., Aug. 8, 2004

Chapter Two: Hell Ride to Buzzard Point!
Sun., Aug. 15, 2004

Chapter Three: Bushwhacked at Beaver Creek!
Sun., Aug. 22, 2004

Chapter Four: Rio Gato!
Sun., Aug. 29, 2004

Chapter Five: Ambush at Crazy Horse Canyon!
Sun., Sept. 5, 2004

Chapter Six: Revenge at La Paloma Planca!
Sun., Sept. 12, 2004


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