Where to buy Gutshot
Retailers / Distributors Directory

We know retail is the roughest game of all, so let us help you! If
you have any problems or need any assistance, drop us a line at: info@hawgleg.com |
Retail Price: $24.95 USD
ISBN 978-0-9765290-0-2
Pages: 180
Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds
Gutshot is a rip-roaring tabletop miniatures game compatible with all 25mm-30mm
miniatures that you're already stocking from Foundry, Dixon, Old
Glory, Monday Knight, Westwind, and others. Set in the American
Wild West, this game delivers a simple system to run one-on-one
and small-scale combat that is fast, simple, and exciting. Designed
for 3-8 players, Gutshot lets gamers experience the thrilling adventures
of another time. The game is character driven, features a campaign
system that encourages replayability, and with a $19.95 cover price,
makes it an economical starter game. |
Get Gutshot at these great stores!
Before you giver yer money to PayPal and ask the Wells Fargo man to put a copy of our book on the
next stage, check this here list. Gutshot may be available in a store
near you! And if not, please ask your local retailer to visit our Website
to find out how he can help everyone get Gutshot. If you carry our game,
please contact us and we'll add you to the Directory!
United States & Canada |
Total number of stores in US & Canada: 9 |
Name |
Information |
Brigade Games |
New Jersey
We ship worldwide (Canada, UK & Europe).
Comic Book World |
6905 Shepherdsville Road
Louisville, KY 40219
Knuckleduster |
Home of all things Western, including some of the reference books we used to write Gutshot! Forrest Harris also has some of the coolest townsfolk and NPC miniatures on the market!
Last Square |
5944 Odana Road
Madison, Wisconsin
Bev and Karl are great folks, and they tend to hit a lot of the Northern and Eastern conventions. Mosey on by and tell 'em ya wanna get Gutshot! We're sure they'll be happy to oblige!
Little Shop of Magic |
Las Vegas, Nevada
Noble Knight Games |
One of the largest online game sellers out there. In addition to new stuff, they have an amazing catalog of used and out-of-print games that will blow yer mind!
Rattlehead Games |
Boonville, North Carolina
Scale Creep Miniatures |
Although a US store, Scale Creep is experienced in shipping to our friends up north.
The War Store |
47420 Main Road
Southold, NY 11971
Stores in the UK |
Total number of stores in the UK: 2 |
Name |
Information |
em4 Miniatures |
Meekings Road
Sudbury, Suffolk
CO10 2XE
United Kingdom
Phone:44 (0)1787 467810
Fax: 44 (0)1787 312302
Email: enquiries@em4miniatures.com
Our distributor in the United Kingdom. If your Friendly Local Game Store doesn't carry us, have them contact these fine chaps to find out how you can get Gutshot!
Principles of War |
International +44 1344 774933
United Kingdom 01344 774933
Our main goal is to get Gutshot onto the shelves of game stores. We think
we've created a quality product that's a lot of fun to play, but it won't
do us any good if no one ever sees it.
That's why we will bust our butts to make sure that our main outlet will
always be game distributors, Friendly Local Game Stores (FLGS), and comic
book stores. To show our commitment, we promise not to undersell you on
our Website: everything is sold at full retail price plus shipping. Additionally,
although we cannot control what other people do, we will carefully reconsider
doing business with anyone who buys our products and dumps them online
with the intention of driving down the prices for everyone.
So, if you're a distributor or Friendly Local Game Store (FLGS) and you're
interested in carrying Gutshot, please contact us.
