Miniatures gaming is a heck of a lot of fun, but after a while you find
yourself wanting to bring more buildings, terrain, and customized pieces
to the game table to enhance the Wild West action. Now, neither of us
Mikes considers himself to be the handiest man around, but both of us
have managed to pull together some interesting projects for our Gutshot
games. Here’s a few photos and some commentary on some of our more
successful efforts.
Hope you enjoy seeing what we’ve been up to, and if you try anything
we describe here, please send us some photos of your efforts (which will
probably put our humble efforts to shame).
Mike Mitchell & Mike Murphy
Projects |
By the way, although
none of these projects are particularly dangerous or require a heckuva
lot of skill, nevertheless we don’t think they should be attempted
by young 'uns. So, if yer still wet behind the ears, get yer pappy’s
help before taking a stab at this stuff, okay? Likewise, whenever
possible we mention exactly the brand of tools, supplies and tell
ya exactly where we got ‘em and, often, how much we paid.
We ain’t necessarily endorsing these products or retailers
(unless we actually say we are). We’re just providing this
for your information. |
Adventures with Milliput
Using a two-part epoxy, Mike creates custom bases for 25mm and
28mm Western miniatures.
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The Gallows Project
When miniatures go bad, they gotta face justice. Mike creates a
working 25mm gallows with tiny nooses for hanging the wrong-doers.
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Building a Better Boot Hill
After you hang yer minis, yer gonna need a place ta plant 'em.
And that, of course, means a shallow grave in a Boot Hill graveyard.
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Detailing and modifying an
ERTL Cow Town set
For 25mm Wild West gamers, the ERTL Cow Town set is almost the
Holy Grail. It's a fantastic toy set that classes up any gaming
table. Both Mitchell and Murphy were lucky enough to track some
down on ebay, and here's what they did with 'em...
Casting Call
Mini-review of Amazing Mold Putty & Amazing Casting Resin
Once more,
Read More >> |
