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![]() Little Wars Playtest & Demo
![]() THAT HAD TO HURT! Ian K. (in the rear) can't contain his laughter as his teammate takes a bullet to the foot. Even Jonathan Burton, who was playing the Indian Bounty Hunter who almost blew off his own foot, saw the humor in the situation. |
The first shot was Simon taking a shot at the Nevada Kid -- it was a miss. The very next Action, though, had John Walking Proud taking a rifle shot at Simon, and he drew SNAKE-EYES! The snake let loose a wicked hiss filled with laughter as the Indian Bounty Hunger shot himself in the foot for nine points of Damage! His movement was now decreased by 50%, and for the rest of the game he would be known as "John Limping Proud." There was more scrambling and movement as each side sought to gain the advantage. The next lead to fly was from Mad Dog, aimed at the Nevada Kid. Mad Dog Fanned the Gun at the Bounty Hunter, but the range modifiers worked against him, and on his fourth shot, he rolled Snake-Eyes! Luck was a bit kinder to Mad Dog, though: his gun jammed, but that was as bad as it got. This was probably the first time a Gutshot game had two Snake-Eyes rolled in a row! |
Billy made a dash for Missy, who was still by the adobe Building, and Theodore and the Nevada Kid were the next to exchange, and miss, fire with each other.Mad Dog joined the fight, scoring a hit for 7 points on the Nevada Kid, who returned fire for 5 Damage. Simon (played by Rick Haufe) took a shot at Stumpy, thus earning the crusty fighter's animosity (he'd regret that later). Alvin finally got the horses ready to lead back to Billy and Missy. Stumpy was hobbling up closer, so Billy fired at him, missing.
[I think that's Sean Smith's dad watching in the background.] |
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The Nevada Kid was still getting into it with both Simon and Mad Dog. The Kid fired twice from his two pistols, each one hitting; Mad Dog took 12 points and failed to hit with his own Retaliation shots. Simon managed to score 1 point of Damage against the Kid, who returned fire and hit, but Simon's Tough-as-Nails Specialty erased that Damage.
![]() THINGS START TO GET MESSY Missy to the left, Alvin with horses in the foreground, and Billy faces the Colonel to the right. |
Alvin finally got the horses out of the corral and to Billy and Missy, just as the Colonel runs up and opens fire on Billy: both fail to hit the other. Seeing that their leader is in danger, the Sheriff, Deputy, and other members of the Black Hat team rush to defend their boss (bearing in mind that, if he goes down, the battle will shift and they will all be at -2 for the rest of the game!).
Sheriff McRae fires at Billy, but misses and hits the Colonel! The Colonel takes 5 Damage from one of his own men! The Colonel got ticked off about this, and actually shot back at his own man, scoring 6 Damage against the Sheriff [I wonder if this had something to do with some lingering animosity between Jonathan and Kevin from their days together in the Midnight Riders -- Mike Mitchell].
Things began to get very ugly around the Adobe House.
The Nevada Kid arrived, dishing out 7 Damage on Billy. Simon missed at the Kid, who scored on him for 5 points. Theodore (The Beaver) and the Kid exchanged fire, each missing. The Colonel blasted Billy for 7 points. Stumpy actually missed Simon with both barrels of a Sawed-off Shotgun, but Simon scored 4 points against the one-legged henchman. As Stumpy reloaded, Simon blasted Stumpy for 7 points, but he just grinned and used his True Grit for the night, thus ignoring the Damage that would have killed him. Shaken, Simon fell back to the adobe house.
Theodore and Stumpy began exchanging fire: Theodore's name came out of the hat and each man missed the other. Then Stumpy's name was pulled, and the Stumpster blasted Theo... and missed. But he called in his Lucky Specialty for the game and actually hit this time, scoring 8 points against Theo. Theo returned fire, and missed by one point! Alvin missed at the Colonel, who retaliated for 5 points. The Sheriff also made Alvin a target, scoring 9 Damage, leaving the outlaw hanging on by a single point.
![]() A BLOODTHIRSTY GRIN Sean and Tony look on as Ian's face took on its familiar, wicked smile as he moved Stumpy in for the kill. |
The Deputy moved into the area as, Action by Action, "John Limping Proud" moved ever slowly closer to the scene of the battle.
Meanwhile, Missy mounted her horse as Billy fell back next to her, using the horses for partial cover. Deputy Fry blasted Alvin, killing him. But, as he fell, he retaliated with a lucky shot a point blank range, dishing out 8 points on the man who killed him. Now the Colonel closed in for the kill: he fired point blank at Billy. Suddenly, Missy jumped off her horse and threw herself in the line for fire! She chose to "Take a Bullet" for her lover! The Colonel looked on in horror as he shot his own daughter for 8 points!
As Alvin lay bleeding a few feet away, Missy throws herself between her
father and her lover, taking the bullet that was meant for Billy.
![]() BILLY WASN'T A HERO Things had gone badly for the White Hats, but if Billy escaped, there was still a chance to pull victory from defeat. Alas, it wasn't to be. |
Billy, knowing that they won't kill Missy, mounts his horse. His name was pulled from the hat again, and he spurred it into a Trot, away from the grief-stricken father and his angry posse. The Nevada Kid moved and blasted with both pistols at the fleeing cattle rustler -- the 3 points he scored were enough to drop Billy Barnes, dead in the street. Theodore, "The Beaver," trotted up to Stumpy and let him have it for 6 points. Unfortunately, this was not enough to finish the ornery coot. |
Missy was still trying to escape, forcing the Sheriff to brawl with her
to keep her from mounting her horse and riding away (thus stealing complete
victory from the Black Hats team). Simon fired at the Colonel and missed;
the Colonel retaliated with 1 point of Damage. Deputy Fry missed at Simon,
and was promptly gunned down with retaliation fire. Barely alive, the
Nevada Kid turned tail and ran like a girly man. Simon fired at the Colonel,
missing, and then the snake hissed again. The third Snake-Eyes of the
afternoon was rolled as the Colonel's gun jammed (effectively making it
useless for short remainder of the game).
Stumpy's famous shotgun was reloaded, and he emptied both barrels right into the The Beaver's belly! He went down with 9 points of "lead poisoning." Theodore's retaliation shot missed. Simon and the Colonel wasted bullets at each other, Missy slugged the Sheriff for 8 points of Pain, and the game finally ended when the Sheriff turned and wasted Simon with 8 points of Damage. |
![]() MUD MADE OF BLOOD Stumpy lets loose a mad cackle as the last outlaw goes down. |
All the outlaws were dead, and Missy collapsed, sobbing in her father's arms. "But I loved him, Pa. I loved him..." The Colonel, still shaken from having shot his own daughter, dropped his gun in the dusty street, and cradled her in his arms, begging her forgiveness. The sun was setting in the West, and somewhere, in the distance, a coyote let loose a mournful cry.
Note: This Adventure, "Love and Bullets," will be available for free download from The Lone Star Saloon! This includes all Character descriptions, maps, and information you need to run this game for yourselves! If ya do, take some photos, write it up, and send it in! We'd love to find out how it turns out when you play it!