Chapter Four:

Rio Gato!

GM: Mike Mitchell

Game played 2 - 6:00 p.m.
Aug. 29, 2004

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Posted:Aug. 27, 2004

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Redleg Gang Strikes Again - Defeat Texas Rangers!

"This ain't over yet," vows McLawson

"We finally tried the initiative variant that everyone has been clamoring for -- and it threw the game out of balance," said Gutshot co-creator Mike Mitchell. "Not that I'm surprised, but the Spontaneous Specialty was WAY too powerful when everyone just gets one Action per Turn. I will probably try to test this one more time, but I predict that the original initiative system is the one that will make it to publication."
-- Mike Mitchell, Gutshot co-creator

Aug. 29, 2004
Rio Gato, Texas –
Text to come about the daring Redleg Gang and how they drove off an assault by the Texas Rangers!


The Redleg Gang:

    New Specialties are in Blue

  • Aces (played by Jeff Pieper)
    Custom 1- TN 7
    Specialties: Hard-to-Hit
    Weapons: Pistol, Shotgun
  • Bob -- (played by David Burlin)
    Custom 1 - TN 7
    Specialties: Lucky, Quickdraw: Pistol
    Weapons: Pistol
  • Boy Name Sue (played by David Brininger)
    Owlhoot - TN 8
    Specialties: Brawler, Tough-as-Nails, True Grit
    Weapons: Pistol, Saber
  • Buckshot Bill -- (played by John Black)
    Custom 2 - TN 8
    Specialties: Spontaneous, Sureshot: Shotgun, True Grit
    Weapon: Double-barrel Shotgun
  • Buckshot Buddha (played by Robert Hart)
    Gambler - TN 8
    Specialties: Lucky, Spontaneous, Sureshot: Shotgun, True Grit
    Weapons: pistol, Double-barrel Sawed-off Shotgun
  • El Gallo Negro (played by Chris Trevino)
    Custom 2 - TN 8
    Specialties: Lucky, Spontaneous, Sureshot: Pistol, Two-Gun Shootist
    Weapon: 2 Pistols
  • Man With No Name (played by Mike Brininger)
    Deputy - TN 8, Hard-toHit, Lucky
    Weapons: Double-barrel Shotgun, Pistol
  • "Shirley" (played by Jared Lamb)
    Custom 3 - TN 9
    Specialties: Hard-to-hit, Lucky, Speedy, Spontaneous
    Weapons: Pistol
  • Shady James I (played by David Michael)
    Custom 2 - TN 8
    Specialties: Sureshot: Rifle, Speedy
    Weapon: Pistol, Double-Barrel Shotgun
    Player not present, so the character just holed up in the hotel

New Members:

  • Slim (played by Paul Bruchmiller)
    Custom 2 - TN 8, Two-gun Shootist (he forgot to select a second specialty)
    Weapons: 2 Pistols



The Texas Ranger Posse:
(all NPCs played by GM Mike Mitchell & Kyle Nearhood)

  • Bob McLawson
    Texas Ranger: TN 6 (5 w/pistol)
    Specialties: Sure-shot: Pistol
    Weapon: 2 Pistols, Rifle (horse), Bowie Knife (boot)
    Loot: $200 gold, $100 Pesos, 5 full reloads per weapon
    Morale: Does not make morale checks
    Mount: Standard Horse
  • Garret Duke
    Texas Ranger - TN 6 (7 w/shotgun)
    Weapons: 2 Pistols, Double-barrel Shotgun (horse), Bowie Knife (boot)
    Loot: $75 gold, 2 full reloads per weapon
    Morale: Standard
    Mount: Standard Horse
  • John Ironcloud
    Bounty Hunter - TN 6
    Specialties: Contemplative, Two-Gun Shootist
    Weapons: 2 Pistols, Double-barreled Shotgun (horse), Rifle (horse), Bowie Knife (boot)
    Loot: $50 gold, 3 full reloads per weapon
    Morale: +3
    Mount: Standard Horse
  • Simon Elliot
    Outlaw (reformed) - TN 7
    Weapons: Pistol, Rifle, Double-barreled Shotgun (on horse), Bowie Knife in boot sheath
    Loot: $20 gold, 3 full reloads per weapon
    Morale: Standard
    Mount: Standard Horse
  • Old Charlie
    Custom 2 - TN 8
    Specialties: Horsemanship, Hard-to-hit
    Weapons: Pistol, 2 Double-barreled Shotguns (1 in hand, 1 on horse), Bowie Knife in boot
    Loot: $50 gold, $100 Pesos, 5 full reloads per weapon
    Morale: Does not make morale checks
    Mount: Standard Horse
  • Deputy Wilson Jones
    Deputy - TN 8
    Hard-to-hit, Lucky
    Weapons: 2 Pistol, Rifle, Bowie Knife in boot sheath
    Loot: $5 gold, 3 reloads per weapon, standard gear (saddle, etc.)
    Morale: Standard
    Mount: Standard Horse
  • Deputy Adam Smith
    Deputy - TN 8
    Hard-to-hit, Lucky
    Weapons: 2 Pistol, Rifle, Bowie Knife in boot sheath
    Loot: $10 gold, 3 reloads per weapon, standard gear (saddle, etc.)
    Morale: Standard
    Mount: Standard Horse
  • The Alamo Kid
    Custom 2 + extra VP - TN 8 (7 w/pistol)
    Horsemanship, Spontaneous, Sure-shot: Pistol, Two-gun Shootist
    Weapons: 4 Pistols, Rifle (on horse), Bowie Knife in boot sheath
    Loot: $200 gold, 5 full reloads per weapon
    Morale: Does not make morale check
    Note: Likes to grab reins in teeth and fire both pistols at once
    Mount: Mustang

The Texas Rangers rode in from the left side of the board of the small town known for three things: cats, cats, and for being one of the most dangerous places in West Texas.

Game Stats for
Rio Gato!

There were 9 Characters and 8 NPCs involved in combat.
The game lasted five turns and took about 3.5 hours to play.

Setup (Victory Objectives)
Get out of town alive, or drive off the Texas Rangers.

Pre-Game Setup

The players could position themselves anywhere they wanted on the first side of the board.

Turn One

In order to get the game moving quickly, the couriers were moved four times until they moved into ambush range. At that time we started pulling initiative slips.



Aces - - - - - -
Bob 75 40 43     158
Boy Named Sue 75 40 43     158
Buckshot Bill 75 30 43   20 168
Buckshot Buddha 75 40 43 20 20 198
El Gallo Negro 75   43 30 20 168
Man With No Name 75 50 43   20 188
"Shirley" 75 150 43   20 288
Slim 75 60 43     178
Aces 20 VP, Ironcloud; 20 VP, Alamo Kid; 20 VP, Simon (for shooting him as he killed you). Would have earned 135VP if you had lived.
Bob 20 VP, Old Charlie; 20 VP for blasting Deputy Jones (as he killed ya);
Boy Named Sue 20 VP, Ironcloud; 20 VP, Garret Duke;
Buckshot Bill 20 VP, Ironcloud (you distracted him a lot); 10 VP, Alamo Kid (more distraction)
Buckshot Buddha 40 VP, Simon Eliot; 20 VP, having sense to grab yer gear & run for it.
El Gallo Negro 30 VP for staying very firm in plan to run away
Man With No Name 50 VP, killing Deputy Smith
"Shirley" 50 VP, killing Garret Duke; 50 VP, killing Alamo Kid; 50 VP, killing John Ironcloud
Slim 40 VP, Old Charlie; 20 VP, Alamo Kid
Loot $345 Cash; $110 pesos, Texas Ranger Badge, Deputy Badge, 6 horses, 10 pistols, 4 rifles, 4 Double-Barrel Shotguns, 3 Bowie Knives.
Recovering Fallen Outlaws Everybody who was not "killed" got to split 100 VP for recovering the bodies of their fallen teammates and bringing them to the doctor (25 VP per fallen outlaw: Aces, Slim, Boy Named Sue, and Bob).

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