Gutshot Printing History

To date, there have been numerous printings of the Gutshot Core Rule Book. The bulk of each printing is the same, but we have used subsequent printings to correct minor errors and to fine-tune the wording of rules in a few places.

This is a very short summary of the changes made between printings, and the information is provided so you can quickly tell which version you own.

Printing Print Date Notes
1 Jan. 2005 First printing does not have a bar code on the back cover, but just a white box. This is the only printing that does not have a bar code. Additionally, on page 6 it incorrectly lists the names of two of the Midnight Riders as Gary and Kevin Olivarez. Also note that the copyright page lists this as being printed in February 2005.
1.5 April 2005

We contacted a new printer in Oklahoma City for this printing, and paid for the books, and were ripped off. We believe he took our money without ever intending to print the book. If he did print a few, they would have the following characteristics:

  • There would have been Bar Code on back cover
  • No index
  • Only two pages of advertisements in the rear of the book
  • On page 6, the names of the Midnight Riders have been corrected: Gary and Kevin Ortiz.
  • The copyright page would list the print date as either March or April 2005

If you ever encounter a copy of this book, please contact us immediately. It is a bootleg, illegal copy, and we can use it as evidence in legal proceedings against the printer.

2 June 2005

The copyright page, and subsequent printings, bear the notation that this was printed in May 2005. The following changes and corrections can be used to differentiate the first and second printings. These changes appear in this, and all subsequent printings:

  • There is a Bar Code on back cover
  • There is an index on pages 173-174
  • Works Cited page on 175
  • Three pages of advertisements in the rear of the book
  • On page 6, the names of the Midnight Riders have been corrected: Gary and Kevin Ortiz.
  • On page 22, the first photo is printed overly large and you cannot see Cheyenne or her thought balloon.
3 Aug. 2005 The only change between the second and third printing is the correction on page 22: we fixed the first photo so it says, "It's that low-life, Cooter!"
4 Sept. 2005

This was supposed to be a simple reprint of the the previous edition, but the printers made an error and shipped us a book with a serious error. In one of the fonts, the capital letter "K" did not print. This is most notable on page 7 where the letter does not print in our names, "Mike Mitchell" and "Mike Murphy."

Although we have a few of these for file purposes, these copies were never released and, if you see one that has not been signed by Mike Mitchell, then it was probably "borrowed" from a demo game he was running. In certain situations, some of these may be used as samples, but they are not intended for distribution.

5 Oct. 2005 Identical to the third printing. If I had two copies, side by side, I might be able to tell them apart because the pages in the fifth printing appear to be about 1/32 of an inch (or less!) lower than the pages in the third printing. This is a standard deviation that occurs in the binding process and might only apply to the handful of test books I examined.
6 Jan. 2006 The content is identical to the third and fifth printing, but this one is easy to spot. The pages are trimmed VERY close to the top. The Section names are almost-but-not-quite trimmed off the top. Also, the page numbers from 100-178 are very close to the edge of the page.
7 May 2006 This version is VERY easy to spot. The copyright page deletes the mailing address and changes the printing date to say "Printed 2006." Additionally, there is a minor printer variation with this issue that makes it even easier to spot: most copies have a small white gap at the top of the pages (in other words, the torn parchment on the edges of the book pages don't print all the way to the top). A minor problem that also managed to find its way into the next printing.
8 June 2006

A VERY short run print done to test a new printer. All but three of these copies were shipped to England for release through Tabletop Games, Ltd. This version is also VERY easy to spot: the title page includes the phrase "(with Paul Mauer & the Gutshot Posse)" underthe authors' names. There are also dozens of tiny typo corrections throughout the book, including a fe rule changes:

  • The Marshal Character type removes the Reputation Specialty and replaces it with Two-Gun Shootist
  • Retaliation Shots are no longer considered to be Wild Shots (see 10.4)
  • Index expanded, now includes Action Slips and other items suggested by our customers
  • Removed Villain from Random Character Table 9.4.1
  • Character Sheets updated on pages 169-170 to include the standard number of Actions a Character receives each Turn
  • Many other small rule tweaks and updating/correcting examples on these pages:
    • pages 22-23
    • page 54
    • page 114

Note: This book is a fairly major revision and inlcudes about half the changes/corrections we intend to make for our updated release in Feb. 2007.

9 Oct. 2006

This print run was supposed to have significant corrections, but the printer goofed and reran the old version of the files. So, instead of having easy-to-spot changes, this version is an exact reprint of version 7, but without the printer error -- all the parchment edges go to the top of the page and bleed off correctly. As noted above, the copyright page does not have a mailing address and it simply states "Printed 2006." This is a very attractive edition and the only way to tell it apart from printing 7 is the corrected parchment bleed and this press run uses slightly thicker paper, so it feels a little heftier than printing 7. Side-by-side, they are easy to tell apart.

Please note that the corrections made in printing 8 are not in this printing.

10 Dec. 2006 This includes all the corrections originally scheduled for printing 9 (in other words, all the changes from printing 8, plus more), and one other significant change which makes this the easiest version to spot thus far: We finally added Paul Mauer's name to the cover and title page. This was a VERY small press run, however, of about 25 copies. It was a "make good" from our printer.

Thanks to everyone for their support, and especially those of you who helped us track down the errors since its initial release!

Mike Mitchell
Nov. 2005, updated April. 2007


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