Please note that the Online Drawing has been suspended. We apologize for the inconvenience -- we're pursuing other promotions at this time and expect to resume the drawings at some point in the future.
Quarter |
Prize |
Dec. 2005 |
Tom Mellott
Cincinnati, Ohio
"Thanks! Think I'll wear the 'Cold Death' T-shirt." |
Sept. 2005 |
Winner: Ron King
Nacagdoches, Texas
'Think I'll take me that there trucker's cap. I think that's something I'll wear to games." |
June 2005 |
Patrick Becker
Peddlers3 Hobbies
5912 South Service Rd.
Big Spring, TX 79720
"Hot dang! Why I say, been a coon's age since I went'n
won me sumtin!" he said when he got the news. |
March 2005 |
Ric Walters
Plover, Wisconsin
Ric took home the Gutshot Tile Box, saying it. "will be great
for holding poker chips and dice." |
Dec. 2004 |
Mike Newton
Taberg, New York
"I would like the clock as my prize (to hang in the game room
of course!)... It's time to Get Gutshot!" |
Sept. 2004 |
Brian L. Bird
Lackland AFB, Texas
"Howdy! Well I’ll be a huckleberry! I’m a blue
ribbon winner! I think I would like to wear this here fancy shirt..."
Brian wrote, indicating our cool "Cold Death" design. |
June 2004 |
Kreg Mosier
Nacagdoches, Texas
"Woo-Wee!! I feel luckier'n all get out. I guess I should
thank them other fellas for not answerin' the call before me...ha
ha!" Kreg shouted when he got the word that his was actually
the third name from the hat (the first two must've
been bushwhacked because they never claimed their prize). |
March 2004 |
Rafael Velez
Merrillville, Indiana
"Well, shee-oot! I'll be a cowpoke's poker. I jus' love it
when I win!" Rafael declared when he got the news. |
Dec. 2003 |
Mark A. McKinley
North Carolina
Mark decided to drink his cup o' joe from our stylish, Cold Death
Steel Travel Mug. |
Sept. 2003 |
Sherry Millstein
Sherry decided it was time to Get Gutshot, so she chose the newfangled
Wall Clock. |
July 2003 |
Susan Benedict
Susan selected the new baseball jersey T-shirt with blue sleeves. |
March 2003 |
Ernie Lanterman
New Jersey
Ernie opted for the cool new Gutshot Ballcap that
was debuted at Owlcon 2003 in Houston, Texas. |
2002 |
James LeVeque
Although the prize was going to be one of our cool Tote Bags, James
opted for the Classic Logo Gray T-shirt. |
2002 |
Janeen Watkins
North Carolina
Her prize is one GUTSHOT garment. She chose the Classic Logo Gray
T-shirt! |